Hi there 👋! I am Art (Artiom) Kreimer, a product leader with over a decade of experience leading cross-functional teams to bring digital products to life. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Systems Engineering and have worked across various industries, including ASIC, Consumer Electronics, Telecom, web and mobile apps, Machine Learning and Conversational AI, and Finance.

I’m passionate about Data Analytics, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence and truly enjoy using these technologies to solve customer problems. As a Product Lead, Data & AI at Scotia Digital, I drive product strategy and development, working closely with my team to bring innovative products to market. Before joining Scotiabank, I was a key player in the development of Conversational AI and Chatbot Analytics platforms at Wysdom.AI.

I live in Ontario, Canada, with my wife, two daughters, and Hungarian Vizsla. I love spending my free time with my family and enjoying outdoor activities like hiking, running, and exploring nature. I am also an avid reader and lifelong learner.

If you want to know more about my experience, skills, certifications and aspirations, ask my personal ResumeGPT Chatbot.


Don’t hesitate to reach out to me on Linkedin if my blog resonates with you, you see potential for collaboration, or simply wish to connect.
Alternatively, you can email me. I always welcome the opportunity to engage with individuals who share similar interests.